Log-book - Wednesday June 25
Via satellite...
Stefan Blomberg (expedition doctor) reporting: A Change in Plans ?

Place: Gasherbrum basecamp

"For the moment I am alone in the basecamp, the others are up at C1 and preparing C2. Tonight I will climb up to C1 to help the others carry equipement to C2. I will be back late tonight (wednesday). The path up to thesummit that we had earlier planned on taking, called the "Japanese corridor" , is too difficult and dangerous. Therefore we have chosen to take another path. Which path we choose we do not know yet, we will check out the area and then decide.

The temperature is varying: daytime +30 C when the sun is out, -3 C cloudy... Getting really tired of changing clothes constantly...

The officers that we hired/asked for assistence, don't seem to be very happy when we use our satellite telephones - don't ask me why, but I keep getting dirty looks when I use the phone....

I have treated an American who threw out his back, he recieved 2 treatments: monday and one today. He seems completely healthy following the treatments.

During the last couple of days a Iranien expedition has arrived to the basecamp."


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