
Since its rise in 1947 Pakistan has been hit hard by inner and outer opposition. These culminated during their civil war 1971, when East-Pakistan became Bangladesh. Following these events the political disturbances have contiued with coup d'etat followed by purges. Pakistans economical situation is difficult - the areas around Punjab have almost completely been destroyed due to intensive irrigation.

Map of Pakistan

Pakistan occupies the westerly region of the Indien continent around the river Indus. The main areaare the flatlands around the river Indus with its fertile area in the north - the agriculture area of Pujab ("land of five rivers"). Otherwise the flatlands are basiclly very dry, partially desert like, for ex. Sind in the south. In the west one will find Beluchistan where there are mountainous regions, and the northern region which is occupied of the mountain range Karakoram. The climate is continental and very dry. The bordering mountains towards Kashmir recieve most precipitation.

The population increase in Pakistan is enormous - amoungst the largest in Asia. The largest portion of the population work with stock and farming. Wheat, rice and corn are the major vegetables grown using the irrigation systems. The most important crops that are sold are sugarcane and cotton. There are several power plants in Pakistan, most along the Indus river and its connecting rivers, although the industry is poorly developed (most developed are cotton, merchantile and steel industry, along with the chemical industry). Mining for minerals is still undeveloped. Businessmen i Pakistan
Traders in Pakistan
Map with Islamabad During the 900 century islam penetrated its self into northwestern India, and periodically the penninsula was dominated by different islamic rulers. During Indias fight for independance against Brittain the Muslimskaligan was formed. 1947 saw an end of the colonial rule. The islamic regions surrounding the great rivers in the east and west formed Pakistan (the land parts of East-Pakistan and West-Pakistan) under the Ligans ruling of Jinnah. The penninsula it self became the hinduien India.

There after followed persecutions of religious groups, war over the province of Kashmir and refugees fleeing in both directions. General Ayub Khan became ruler 1958. Ayub attempted to ease the conflict between the the two parlements and to start up an economical development. Besides his success he was forced to step down 1969 due to his undemocratic position and leadership. Yahya Khan succeeded Ayub and held a general election. The elections were won by party from East-Pakistan, this lead to a civil war and later a splitting of the country 1971- which was strengthend with support from India. East-Pakistan became Bangladesh. In the former West-Pakistan, now Pakistan civil politician Ali Bhutto ruled the country. Following a major landslide election 1977 Bhutto was accused of cheating during the elections and was over-thrown by a military coup which was lead by general Zia ulHaq who later executed Bhutto. Islamic law was installed by general Zia, by 1988 had begun somewhat of a democratic system.

1972 Pakistan left the Commonwealth of Brittain. Support from foreign countries has been sought partly China and the U.S.A. During the war against Afganistan the US increased its relief to Pakistan - the country was forced to accept 4 milljion Afgani refugees.

The Pakistan flag is green with a half-moon and a star, the old symbol of islam. The white flag was added to represent the non-islamic minorities in the country. The flag of Pakistan

Pakistan - some facts:

  • Area: 804000 sq. km (twice the size of Sweden)
  • Climate: Very warm desert to arctic climate in the mountains in the north.
  • Population: apx. 131 million inhabitants (July 1995) Increase in population: 1.28 %- 41.8 births /1000. Mortality: 12.07 /1000 inhabitants. Average life expectancy: 57.86 years.
  • Capital: Islamabad
  • Largest cities: Karachi, Lahore
  • Language: Urdu, English
  • Religion: Islam (sunnitan) 97%, Christianity, Hindu
  • Political status: Republic
  • Monetary: 1 rupie= 100 paisa
  • Independance Day: Pakistan Day, March 23 (Republic birth)
  • Telephone system: 7 telephones / 1000 inhabitants.

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