
In the log-book you can follow the expedition from its departure the 31st of May, the hike, acclimatization, attempts towards the top and the return trip to Sweden. As time goes by reports will be added to the log-book. To read more regarding a specific happening you can click on a eventual matching link.

IBM Thinkpad

Lastest update 1997-07-11 09:25

Return to BC

Critical situation! Problem while climbing down from C3 to C2!

C2, C3 and the attempt to reach the top

Preparation of C2

Acclimatisation and preparation of C1

Trekking Askole - Base Camp

Stockholm - Askole


1997-05-27 Tues Swedish website opened for the public
1997-05-14 Wed Webserver installed
1997-05-20 Tues Hardware/software for transfer of pictures installed in the network

Approximate time schedule

  • May 31st - Departure from Sweden
  • June 6th - Trekking begins
  • June 20th - Arrival at basecamp
  • June 23rd - Higher camps
  • July 20th - First attempt to the summit
  • August 2nd - Arrive home

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