
It would of been difficult to complete this expedition without our sponsors. Our sponsors help us with weather reports, computer technology, clothes, battaries, medicine, transportation and more....

Duracell logo Duracell battaries and solar cells for the expedition communication technique.
IBM logo IBM ThinkPad portable computer and belongings. Is used for digitalising of pictures, transfer of data and documentation.
Marmot logo Marmot - clothes and equipement for alpinest. Distributor: Berg& Hav AB
Schenker logo Schenker Sweden - transportation, logistics
Vilar logo Vilar - educational company
SMHI logo SMHI - delivers local, detailed weather prognosis of the area.
Boehringer/Ingelheim logo Boehringer/Ingelheim - Pharmaceutical company

Pharmacia, Astra, NM Pharma, Lilly, Lövens, Leo, Tika, Meda, Selena, Procter & Gamble, Bristol Mayers Squibb, Roche, Rh-ne Poulenc Rorer, Marion Roussel, Hässle, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Sandoz Nuitrition, UCB, Pfitzer, ACO, Novartis, Glaxo Wellcome, Draco, Abigo, Alcon Lundbeck, Schering Plough, Zeneca, Benson Pharma, Organon, Recip, Warner Lambert, Smithline Beechham Helthcare, Dumex, Tricum, Sjuma

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