
We are six alpinists (climbers), of which one is a photographer and one physician, who during June-August of 97' are going to conduct this expedition to the worlds 11th highest mountain. The mountain is located i Karakoram which is on the border between Pakistan and Tibet, in the northern part of the Himalaya.

The expedition exists of the following memebers:

Johan Åkerström
Magnus Rydén
Florin Pocol
Stefan Blomberg
Gerd Nyhem

Johan Åkerström, expedition leader, 30 years old, vice president for one of Swedens largest private edjucational companies, he has been climbing since 1985, experience ranging from Sweden/Norway, Swiss alps and Himalaya. He was one of the first to reach the top during the Swedish Pamir Expedition 1994. Has the foremost responsibility for the expedition, is also responsible for all contacts in Pakistan, along with planning the project.

Johan Åkerström
Magnus Rydén,37 years old, marketing finances within the pharmaceutical business, has been climbing since 1981 with a wide variety of experience ranging from the Swedish mountains, Swiss alps and Himalaya. Has participated in expeditions such as the Swedish Batura Expedition 1990 (Pakistan) and the Swedish - Russian Pamir Expedition 1993 (Tadjikstan, OSS). Responsible for marketing, equipement planning as well as planning the ascend. Magnus Rydén
Florin Pocol, 33 years old, has a degree in architecture, climbing experinces range from the alps (Karpaterna). Responsible for local- and satelite- communications equipement as well as documentation (video) of the expedition. Florin Pocol
Stefan Blomberg, M.D., Ph.D, 45 years old, specialised in family medicine 1983. Completed his disertation 1993. His research proves positive effects of amoungst other methods manipulation. During the past years Stefan has worked and lectured within orthopedic manual therapy, specialising in manipulation and treatment of back and neck pain. During his leasure he enjoys sailing and skiing.

He is the responsible physician of the expedition.

Stefan Blomberg
Gerd Nyhem,38 years old. Works as a health consultant at Ericsson's health care facility. Has several years experience as a guide, she has earlier hiked in the area surrounding Hidden Peak.As well as the basecamp at Mt. Everest, she has reached the top of Mt. Blance. Responsible for the trekking expedition. Gerd Nyhem

The expedition has been prepared during the last 4 years. During this period the participants have been practicing and evaulating different equipement. The images below shows Floring and Johan practicing in the northern parts of Sweden.

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